Set Curated In House: Anthurium Flower
Plant: Anthurium Flower
Planter: 2D
In the wild, anthuriums grow in rainforests in South America and the Caribbean
Lighting: Anthuriums like to stand in a well-lighted place, but DO NOT give direct sunlight. Bright-Indirect light. When positioned in the dark, it will give fewer flowers.
Water: Water when soil is 90% dry or if the top two inches are dry, but as soon as it gets to this point proceed to water.
*We recommend Bottom-watering, sometimes called reverse watering, is when you place a plant in a bowl of water, allowing the soil and roots to soak water from the bottom up. (Naturally, your pot need to have drainage holes for this to work.)
Humidity: Anthuriums really prefer high humidity, so for example, a bathroom with natural lighting will work best.
Temperature: Your anthurium flower are the happiest at a temperatures between 68ºF and 71ºF. The minimum temperature for both the pot plant and cut flower is 60ºF. Keep away from cold drafts and don’t place them to close to a hot radiator.
Food: Feed once every month in the spring and summer with liquid fertilizer for indoor plants.
Toxicity: Anthurium Flowers are toxic for humans, cats and dogs. Don’t not eat!
Tips: Do you want to pamper your plant? Mist the leaves at least twice a week, so that it imagines it’s in the tropics! Lighting is the most common cause of an Anthurium not Flowering. One of the most common reason why a Anthurium doesn’t bloom is, insufficient light. Anthuriums can survive and even produce vigorous foliage in lower lighting conditions but will not flower if it does not get lot’s of bright indirect light.
Disclaimer: Candle is used for reference. Not included in set.